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Learning & Event Calendar

NDANO offers live in-person and online learning opportunities for nonprofits, often with partners. Members receive discounted rates on all NDANO events. All times are Central unless otherwise indicated.

Do you have a learning opportunity or event for North Dakota nonprofits to add to our calendar? Email NDANO with the details.

Unlocking the Power of Strategic Volunteer Engagement for Nonprofit Executives

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
2:00 pm3:00 pm

Presenter: National Council of Nonprofits
Cost: Free

Nonprofit executives are in a challenging position. While organizations are experiencing unprecedented demand for services, the industry faces a workforce shortage, and executives and funders lack alignment on how to move forward to a solution. Through its groundbreaking research, released earlier this year, the Initiative for Strategic Volunteer Engagement has uncovered evidence of the power of strategic volunteer engagement and its impact on a nonprofit’s ability to achieve its mission.

During this webinar, National Council of Nonprofits will discuss:

- Evidence-based insights into how strategic volunteer engagement can help your organization better meet its mission.
- How to position your ask to funders for financial support to build organizational capacity to support volunteer involvement.
- Strategies for more effectively reporting on the impact of your investment in strategic volunteer engagement.
- Tactics for addressing the disconnect between your approach and common funder perspectives.