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Learning & Event Calendar

NDANO offers live in-person and online learning opportunities for nonprofits, often with partners. Members receive discounted rates on all NDANO events. All times are Central unless otherwise indicated.

Do you have a learning opportunity or event for North Dakota nonprofits to add to our calendar? Email NDANO with the details.

Mutual of America Community Partnership Award Information Webinar

Thursday, February 22, 2024
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Presenter: NDANO & Mutual of America's Jerry Bruzek
Cost: Free for members, $20 for nonmembers

Please join us as we dive in to explore how one nonprofit established fruitful collaborations to provide measurable impact in the communities they serve while unlocking funding opportunities.

In this session, Sara Wiencken and Jerry Bruzek of Mutal of America, along with Coiya Thompkins of CVIC, will spotlight a remarkable nonprofit organization that embodies excellence in fulfilling its mission through shared partnerships. The session will also educate on the power of partnerships, gaining invaluable insights into the art of grant writing and how to effectively communicate your organization’s mission and impact through the Mutual of America Foundation Community Partnership Award.

The Mutual of America Foundation Community Partnership Award recognizes outstanding nonprofit organizations in the United States that have shown exemplary leadership by facilitating partnerships with public, private or social sector leaders who are working together as equal partners, not as donors and recipients, to build a cohesive community that serves as a model for collaborating with others for the greater good.

Each year, the Mutual of America Foundation sponsors a national competition in which hundreds of organizations demonstrate the value of their partnership to the communities they serve, their ability to be replicated by others and their capacity to stimulate new approaches to addressing significant social issues.

Six organizations are selected by an independent committee to receive the Community Partnership Award.
• The Thomas J. Moran Award is given to the national award-winning program and includes $100,000 and a documentary video about the program.
• The Frances R. Hesselbein Award is given to a partnership that is addressing social challenges in more than one community, or which demonstrates the potential to be replicated in other communities. This recipient receives $75,000.
• Four other organizations are named Honorable Mention recipients for their programs, and each receives $50,000.
Since its inception in 1996, the Community Partnership Award has recognized 262 partnerships from cities and towns across America. Like so many of our clients working in the nonprofit community, Mutual of America is dedicated to having a direct, positive impact on society.